The betting app for the European Soccer Championship in France. Now with a nice price drawing! Win an iPad or Tickets for the german handball Bundesliga.Betting via app is getting into the next round. From now on it is again possible to create betting groups.You can do that with your friends, family or colleagues from work. "Tipstar France" enables you to create or join betting groups very easily. Compete with your friends by betting on all matches of the european soccer champion ship and become the betting king!
From now on all that matters is: betting, betting, betting.Betting is possible until kickoff of the match.
Every exact bet yields 5 points. Every correct goal difference (Example: result 2:0; bet 3:1) brings in 3 points. Every correct bet on the winning team brings in 2 points.
You can check your position within your group in the ranking part!
"Tipstar France" is also available at the AppStore, so your colleagues with Iphones can also join the groups.